On Sunday 19 September 2021, at the National Memorial Arboretum I had the honour of parading with comrades and laying a wreath at the ‘Shot at Dawn Memorial’ honouring the memory of Pvt. Herbert Morris of 6th Btn, the British West Indies Regiment (BWIR), marking the 104th anniversary when he was shot to death by a firing squad on 20 September 1917.
This excellent event was organised by Veteran Sandra Patterson, Founder and Project Manager of WE SHALL TELL THEIR STORY in collaboration with THE FORGOTTEN GENERATION organisation.
The ceremonial party in front to the trees (a total of 6 but only 4 in view) that symbolises the soldiers who carried out the execution of each soldier
Preparing to lay the Wreath by the post of Private Herbert Morris (Left to right) Val Wright, Standard Bearer Kenneth Straun, Mr Albert Jarrett, Standard Bearer Ronald Lisk-Carew, laying of the Wreath Trevor Wright, Donald Campbell and (front) Sandra Patterson
Arrived at the National Memorial Arboretum for the annual parade at the Shot At Dawn Memorial in memory of Private Herbert Morris (left to right) Sandra Patterson, Organiser, Kenneth Straun, Standard Party Member, Mr Albert Jarrett, age 97, WW2 Veteran, Donald Campbell, supporter of the event and Organiser of Standard Party, and Ronald Lisk-Carew, Standard Party Member
Displaying the country flag of Private Herbert Morris at the foot of his post prior to laying the Wreath
Mr Jarrett, WW2 Veteran, alongside the statue of the youngest soldier of 309 that makes of this Shot At Dawn Memorial who were executed during WW1
A ceremony for Private Herbert Morris, post No 200
Invited Guests included Veteran Trevor Wright and Val Wright, whilst others watched in support.
WW2 Veteran Mr Albert Jarrett, as always, was accompanied by Veteran Donald Campbell; the BWIR Standards presented by Ken Straun and myself, Ronald Lisk-Carew.
By Donald Campbell October 2021